Experience Northeast Ohio's entrepreneurial spirit of the past, present and future.
Field Experiences | Professional Development Opportunities | Request a YEE Program
Through the generous support of the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, field experiences and related curriculum materials are available at no cost to grades 4-7 in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and additional first-ring school districts. To inquire about your school's eligibility, please contact entrepreneurship@wrhs.org.
4th Grade | The Roots of Entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio | Hale Farm & Village
Students discover how early entrepreneurs provided the foundation for the growth of early Ohio communities. Students explore the early American crafts and trades venues while discovering a rural, barter-driven, pre-industrial economy. This experiences leads to a discovery of entrepreneurial concepts and key vocabulary acquisition.
The Roots of Entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio
Hale Farm & Village in Bath, Ohio
- Explore early crafts & trades, farm yards and a historic village
- Role-play as entrepreneurs during pre and post canal eras
- Economic growth of early communities in Ohio
- Vocabulary acquisition activities
- Productive resources
- Production and consumption of goods and services
5th Grade | Setting the World in Motion | Cleveland History Center
Surrounded by the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum collection and examples of Cleveland’s most innovative minds of the 20th century, students identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur. Then, they imagine themselves as entrepreneurs and creatively use primary source documents to learn about productive resources and regional specialization. Scholars then use their gained knowledge as a class to complete an onsite business plan.
Setting the World in Motion
Cleveland History Center in University Circle
- Explore Cleveland-made classic cars and other products
- Role-play as industrial era entrepreneurs
- Discover the impact of geography on the formation of industry in Northeast Ohio
- Investigate primary sources
- Complete a class business plan
- Develop economic vocabulary
- Build problem solving skills
- Practice public speaking skills
6th Grade | REVolution | Cleveland History Center
Utilizing the Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection, the Chisholm Halle Costume Wing and Cleveland Starts Here®, students explore how Cleveland entrepreneurs shape and continue to influence the American and global experience through the fundamental questions of economics.
Cleveland History Center in University Circle
- Explore the free enterprise system throughout Cleveland’s history
- Simulate supply and demand in the market place
- Innovate an artifact to meet the needs of a target market
- Investigate the fundamental questions of economics
- Analyze regional specialization and global interdependence
- Discover primary source document and artifacts within Cleveland Starts Here®
7th Grade | Entrepreneurs in Communities | Cleveland History Center
Students explore the essential question of how the entrepreneurial spirit supports a healthy community. Students will learn how entrepreneurs impact neighborhoods as both business owners and residents, and students will use these observations to practice decision-making processes that entrepreneurs use. Then, students will examine a current Cleveland neighborhood as a case study to track available resources and determine how the health of a neighborhood might be restored through the engagement of entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs in Communities
Cleveland History Center in University Circle
- Develop an understanding of decision-making processes used by entrepreneurs
- Reinforce the core concepts of entrepreneurship and financial literacy
- Equip students with the 21st Century skills they will need to harness technology for critical thinking and problem-solving
- Examine the economic, political, and social history of Cleveland neighborhoods, journal, and write coherently about information gained from primary sources
- Emphasize English/Language Arts learning standards in order to strengthen students’ critical thinking skills
The YEE Continuum is supported by the generosity of a lead gift from the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, these programs are at no cost; include free transportation and classroom materials for Cleveland Metropolitans School District and Cleveland Charter Schools.
We are pleased to open bookings for both virtual and in-person experiences for our 4th to 7th grade YEE programs for the 2024-25 school year.
Please complete this form and be as specific as possible. India Jones, our YEE Manager, will be in touch using the information provided, and we ask you to please confirm with your school principal that you have permission to book a field experience on the specified dates.
If you have any additional questions before booking, you can reach our office at entrepreneurship@wrhs.org.
Be a part of the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Northeast Ohio.
Each school year, the Youth Entrepreneurship Education program at WRHS offers professional learning opportunities to teachers that are designed to help them engage students in the YEE continuum and in entrepreneurship education more broadly. A professional development schedule for 2024-2025 is forthcoming, and it will contain sessions of the types detailed below.
Youth Entrepreneurship Education Road Trip
This interactive professional development session focuses on a scheduled day trip to both WRHS sites, Hale Farm & Village and the Cleveland History Center, where teachers experience all three programs that make up the YEE continuum. Road trips serve as team-building experiences for participants, further cementing the YEE experience into a school’s culture.
Grade-Specific Sessions
After school sessions are hosted at the Cleveland History Center. Grade-specific breakout sessions discuss the YEE curriculum, how the programs align with national, state and local (school district) standards, the pre and post-visit class lessons, as well as the pre and post assessment test.
On-the-Spot Orientation
The on-the-spot orientation is an overview of the YEE curriculum, onsite field experience and museum class management. These orientations take place at participating schools.
Credited CMSD Professional Learning Workshop(s)
WRHS and its Research Library host professional learning workshops for continuing education credit. In these workshops, teachers will learn how to create standards-based lessons using primary source documents. This opportunity was created with the objective of developing experiences for K-8 teachers by exploring primary sources and stressing that experiential learning is not an additive but an extension of the classroom. The learning workshops focus on key educational methods:
- Design Thinking (Backward Design)
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- Problem-Based Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Differing Learning Styles
All professional learning experience align the curricula and field experiences with the national, state, and local (school district) standards, as well as by providing students and teachers with an immersive and object-rich environment for learning.
For more information, contact:
216-721-5722 x1506 | entrepreneurship@wrhs.org